Welcome to the "Ogmios" site! We will keep you regularly informed about new (and current) editions of Opus "Ogmios". Until now, seven books have been published in this cycle. These are: "The Way of the Warrior - the Way of the Spirit", "The Reality is in the Dreams", "Use Your Spirit - Achieve Your Goals", "The Chakras and Kundalini", "Power", "The Warrior's Codex" and "Choosing Spiritual Discipline". The entire opus derives from the author's spiritual development and is the results of 25 years of intensive training and discipline. Naturally, the cycle continues with more books which will be the logical successors to the existing ones.
About the author
As has been written on the cover of the first book "The Way of the Warrior - the Way of the Spirit" whose first edition carried the title "The Way of the Warrior -The Way of Raja Yoga", the author's occupation for most of his life was raja-yoga, which resulted in a path of spiritual development that he is trying to describe through his books. The readers of his books are acquainted with the fact that although the path is his own, his wish was to share the insights gained along the way so that all those who follow similar paths can have a glimpse of the possibilities and difficulties encountered on the path of the spirit. Although the basis of the philosophy which permeates all the books are based on raja-yoga, the author's path is a synergy of raja-yoga and other disciplines such as acupressure, astrology, yi-jing, ritual magic, hypnosis and, of course, hatha and nidra yoga. In his books the author wants to stress that although the path of spiritual development is a deeply individual phenomenon, there are common traits in all the men and women striving for freedom. These are truth, perseverance and, fundamentally, a clear conscience. United with the development of one's own feeling, they enable the individual to develop into a self-assured and satisfied person, both on the personal and professional level. The spiritual development does not hinder a person in acting normally in everyday life. Quite the contrary, it makes life's challenges easier to overcome.
The Way of the Warrior - the Way of the Spirit
After more than 20 years of practice of hatha, nidra and raja yoga, analysis of dreams, astrology, acupressure, yi-jing, ritual magic, hypnosis, a 12-year isolation, illness, inner and outer conflicts with visible and invisible enemies, as well as friends, I wrote this book as a testimony and guidebook to all who wish to cut short their way to the peace of heart. With this book I also wish to tell you: trust yourself, have courage, because fear is only an illusion, though often a very convincing one. Likewise, everything you hear that goes against your own feelings is illusion too. Therefore, accept responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions, because this will lead you into freedom. Freedom being the only thing worth fighting for, suffering for and living for. Freedom which is the meaning of human existence. And which is waiting for you at one point or another. As the British would say: "One got to do what one got to do!"